Old glasses, antique shape
“Round” is the original form of the first visual aids ever made. All antique frames are round.
Nevertheless, round eyewear differs in many respects. In addition to the sizes and materials, the colours and numerous frame details vary, which also serve as decoration.
What’s more, we have also included round eyewear and sunglasses in this category, even if they are – in the geometric sense – not one hundred per cent round.
This refers, for example, to Panto eyewear, which has a more rounded glass shape and whose brackets are attached to the upper edge of the frame. Or even oval spectacle frames, which are actually not round at all.
Armani Panto Glasses

Gaultier 58-0271 and Gaultier 57-0271
Algha Round Eye Leather "John Lennon"
There is also designer eyewear with very elaborate frame constructions, whereby only part of the frame is round. We have also assigned vintage eyewear to the “round” category, even if the models would have fitted just as well into another category.
It is therefore possible that you will also find round eyewear or sunglasses in a second style category, as the definition is often in the eye of the beholder.
There is no room for interpretation when it comes to the John Lennon vintage eyewear, however. These circular frames with central temple attachments are regarded as the epitome of round eyewear and are also geometrically perfect.