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Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, antique Metzler eyeglasses from the 60's - GOLD FILLED!, Made for Men
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, fine gold doublé in 1/10 12k proportion; precious rarity, Made for Men
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, 1/10 of the metal with 12ct gold (incredible top-quality), Made for Men
Size checked? The measurements are part of the item description.
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, 2. hand but in absolutely mint condition (ready to wear), Made for Men
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, this quality frame can be glazed with lenses of any kind, Made for Men
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, NO retro; 60! years old original; almost impossible to find, Made for Men
Metzler GF 12k Gold Filled 60's Frame, antique Metzler eyeglasses from the 60's - GOLD FILLED!, Made for Men

Metzler GF
12k Gold Filled 60's Frame


  • antique Metzler eyeglasses from the 60's - GOLD FILLED!
  • fine gold doublé in 1/10 12k proportion; precious rarity
  • 1/10 of the metal with 12ct gold (incredible top-quality)
  • 2. hand but in absolutely mint condition (ready to wear)
  • this quality frame can be glazed with lenses of any kind
  • NO retro; 60! years old original; almost impossible to find

Product Details

Made forMen
Made inGermany
Item No.M-GF-B-6107
137 mm
40 mm
135 mm

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