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Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, old 80's gold-doublé sunglasses from West Germany, Made for Men
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, men's frame made of 25/000 GOLD-FILLED material, Made for Men
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, precious old rarity; incredible top-quality; monolithic, Made for Men
Size checked? The measurements are part of the item description.
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, changeable lenses (darken automatically in the sun), Made for Men
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, unworn, NOS, like all our rare gold-filled 80's frames, Made for Men
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, NO RETRO; but a 40 years old Original, in size 54/16, Made for Men
Michael Pfeiffer 601 Gold Filled Frame Changeable, old 80's gold-doublé sunglasses from West Germany, Made for Men

Michael Pfeiffer 601
Gold Filled Frame Changeable


  • old 80's gold-doublé sunglasses from West Germany
  • men's frame made of 25/000 GOLD-FILLED material
  • precious old rarity; incredible top-quality; monolithic
  • changeable lenses (darken automatically in the sun)
  • unworn, NOS, like all our rare gold-filled 80's frames
  • NO RETRO; but a 40 years old Original, in size 54/16

Product Details

Made forMen
Made inW.Germany
Item No.MP-601-SB-6000
132 mm
51 mm
130 mm

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